# Navigation - Edit

# Go to Paragraph

Used to navigate directly to a paragraph using a paragraph number.

# Collapse/Expand

Toggles between Collapsed and Expanded views. Collapsed view is optimized for the readability of text, where as Expanded view is optimized to make changes to the document.

# [Translate to English/Revert to Original]

For Premium subscribers only, this option provides a toggle to translate the entire document to the english translated version. This toggle can be used to switch between the native language and the translated version of the text to english.


Due to the nature of machined generated translations, we do not warrant the accuracy of the generated english translations. This is provided to give a general sense of the ideas in the paragraph for informational purposes only.

# Edited Paragraphs Only/All Paragraphs

Toggles between filtering only to the paragraphs that have some edits or comments in the paragraph or no filter (show all paragraphs).

# Show/Hide Edits/Show All Edits

Toggles between the original source view (does not show any text changes) and a view that shows the text edits agreed in the document (may include both collaborative for negotiation edits as determined by setting below.)

# Show Negot Edits Only/Show All Edits

Toggles between showing both collaborative edits and negotiation edits or only shows negotiation edits only.

# Edit Clause Labels

Allows the user to change the clause labels in the document. Only available to users with the appropriate privileges.

# Document Notes

Provides ability to add a document note to the document. Used for internal communications only and is not visible to the negotiator.

# Collab - Comments

Provides a summary panel to review and respond to the Collaboration Comments.

# Collab - DocEdits

Provides a summary panel to review and approve the Collaboration DocEdits.

# Collab - Risk and Labels

Provides a summary panel to review the Collaboration Risk and Labels associated with the document.

# Negot - Comments

Provides a summary panel to review and respond to the Negotiation Comments.

# Negot - DocEdits

Provides a summary panel to review and approve to the Negotiation DocEdits.